Please see my full list of publications.
Laser contacts from POx/Al2O3 passivation stacks
Aug 20, 2020
|• n+ laser doping demonstrated from POx/Al2O3 passivation stacks on silicon. • Metallised J0 of 540 fA cm−2 for n+ laser-doped region with Rsheet of 39.5 Ω/□. • Consistent with values for POCl3 furnace diffusions, indicating minimal defects. • Same POx/Al2O3 stack provides J0 of 2.5 fA cm−2 on undiffused planar surfaces. • 23.6% simulated efficiency for laser-doped n-type PERL cell based on POx/Al2O3.
7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
Jun 11, 2018
|Overview of my contributions and access to presentations and papers.
22.8% Efficient Laser‐IBC Solar Cell
Aug 21, 2017
|In this paper, the fabrication of a 22.8% efficient all‐laser‐doped IBC solar cell with localized boron and phosphorus doped contacts is reported.
Characterization of Localized Contacts
Feb 01, 2017
|In this work, we introduce novel test structures and perform numerical simulations to accurately determine the contact properties of 30 μm × 30 μm-sized laser-doped localized contacts.