
Please see my full list of publications.

Laser contacts from POx/Al2O3 passivation stacks

Laser contacts from POx/Al2O3 passivation stacks

• n+ laser doping demonstrated from POx/Al2O3 passivation stacks on silicon. • Metallised J0 of 540 fA cm−2 for n+ laser-doped region with Rsheet of 39.5 Ω/□. • Consistent with values for POCl3 furnace diffusions, indicating minimal defects. • Same POx/Al2O3 stack provides J0 of 2.5 fA cm−2 on undiffused planar surfaces. • 23.6% simulated efficiency for laser-doped n-type PERL cell based on POx/Al2O3.

7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion

7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion

Overview of my contributions and access to presentations and papers.

22.8% Efficient Laser‐IBC Solar Cell

22.8% Efficient Laser‐IBC Solar Cell

In this paper, the fabrication of a 22.8% efficient all‐laser‐doped IBC solar cell with localized boron and phosphorus doped contacts is reported.

Characterization of Localized Contacts

Characterization of Localized Contacts

In this work, we introduce novel test structures and perform numerical simulations to accurately determine the contact properties of 30 μm × 30 μm-sized laser-doped localized contacts.
